Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Octomom....One child policy?

In class today we discussed wether people should be able to have 14 children or only 1 child. I was in a little bit closer to the 1 child policy because...
Some people dont seem to have the ability to understand that 14 is enough,
People dont have enough resources to take care of 14 children,
Some kids will feel left out (happens with 4 kids sometimes),
The house will need to be humoungous,
The dad or/and mom will have a very, very hard time balancing work and children,
The parents will haveto take care of 14 children who all have diffrent needs.
This makes me sound like i am totally for the 1 child policy. Actually im think that every person should be able to choose how amny kids they want. But this interferes with resources. If a country that doesnt have enough resources to take care of there population and the population gets bigger and bigger and bigger a lot of people will be homeless. To stop the popullation they need the one child policy to save the people and country. Thats why i am leaning towards the one child policy.
My conclusion is that the rule depends on the countries population and resources.
Octomom /---------------------------------------------------/ one child policy

1 comment:

Mitsu Puri said...

That's a really cool way to show where you marked your thinking.